Administrator Perceptions and Student Test Scores, Teacher Librarian (June 2013)
Explores perspectives shared by PA administrators—principals, superintendents, and others—about library practices and student achievement. This new evidence and learning what administrators value will help the profession strengthen advocacy efforts with school decision makers.
Investments in Student Achievement and Academic Standards. PA School Library Project. (2012)
Demonstrates that for twelve specific library measures, students with access to a better-staffed, funded, equipped, stocked, and more accessible school library consistently are more likely to score Advanced and less likely to score Below Basic on PSSA Reading and Writing tests.
School Library Journal cover story, September 2011
Analysis of state-level reading score data from the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) and library staffing data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), demonstrates that, between 2005 and 2009, reading scores rose and fell with levels of library staffing.
An Assessment of the Needs of Arkansas Libraries and State Government from the Arkansas State Library. (2011)
Presents recommendations for a redesign of the Arkansas State Library (ASL) in order to identify and meet the challenges of the 21st Century and to better serve both public libraries and State government.
The Idaho School Library Impact Study (2010)
Feature article summarizing the Idaho School Library Impact Study.
How Idaho Librarians, Teachers, and Administrators Collaborate for Student Success. Idaho Commission for Libraries (2009)
Examines the relationships administrators and teachers have with their librarians, how school libraries and librarians are valued and perceived, and how those factors affect libraries and their impact on academic achievement by students.
The Indiana Study - Keith Curry Lance, Marcia J. Rodney, and Becky Russell, Association for Indiana Media Education (2007)
Explores qualitative issues impacting test scores, most concerning the perceptions of library media specialists, principals, and teachers. The findings expand understanding of the relationships between these three educator types, and how they benefit both them and students.
The Illinois Study. Illinois School Library Media Association (2005)
Data on school library hours of operation, staff and their activities, its collection and educational technology, total library expenditures, and several types of library usage were collected statewide. Statistical analyses identified positive and statistically significant relationships between these variables and student academic achievement.